As a passionate UX/UI designer, I had the incredible opportunity to collaborate with my manager in developing an innovative atomic design system from the ground up during my time at ExpandCart - an E-commerce enabler. Our journey was inspired by a myriad of influences such as "Wix" and "Untitled", weaving together the best practices from various sources into a cohesive, efficient, and visually stunning framework.

  • The Vision: Our mission was clear - to create a design system that not only meets the immediate needs of our projects but also establishes a foundation for future scalability and consistency within a Web and a Mobile views. We envisioned a system that could adapt and evolve, just like the atoms that form the basis of matter.

  • Inspiration from Everywhere: Drawing inspiration from diverse sources and we have focused on the market leaders and some design systems that could really match our direction, we aimed to have a very simple yet very versatile design system.

  • The Atomic Approach: Embracing the principles of atomic design, we broke down our UI components into smaller, reusable elements. This modular approach allowed us to build a library of atoms, molecules, and organisms that could be easily combined to form complex interfaces with consistency and efficiency.

  • Collaborative Creation: Working closely with my manager - back then we were the only two in the team - we formed a collaborative environment that encouraged creative exploration. Through iterative design and feedback loops, we fine-tuned each element, ensuring that it not only met the functional requirements but also elevated the overall user experience.

  • The Future Unveiled: This atomic design system not only serves the present projects but paves the way for a future where design is not just a visual aspect but a strategic asset. I am proud to have played a role in shaping the future of design at ExpandCart.
Join me in exploring the screenshots, and witness the convergence of inspiration, collaboration, and meticulous design in every detail.

— Enjoyed the snapshots? Dive deeper into this design journey! If you're curious to explore the finer details or discuss the project further, feel free to >contact me<.
As a passionate UX/UI designer, I had the incredible opportunity to collaborate with my manager in developing an innovative atomic design system from the ground up during my time at ExpandCart - an E-commerce enabler. Our journey was inspired by a myriad of influences such as "Wix" and "Untitled", weaving together the best practices from various sources into a cohesive, efficient, and visually stunning framework.

  • The Vision: Our mission was clear - to create a design system that not only meets the immediate needs of our projects but also establishes a foundation for future scalability and consistency within a Web and a Mobile views. We envisioned a system that could adapt and evolve, just like the atoms that form the basis of matter.

  • Inspiration from Everywhere: Drawing inspiration from diverse sources and we have focused on the market leaders and some design systems that could really match our direction, we aimed to have a very simple yet very versatile design system.

  • The Atomic Approach: Embracing the principles of atomic design, we broke down our UI components into smaller, reusable elements. This modular approach allowed us to build a library of atoms, molecules, and organisms that could be easily combined to form complex interfaces with consistency and efficiency.

  • Collaborative Creation: Working closely with my manager - back then we were the only two in the team - we formed a collaborative environment that encouraged creative exploration. Through iterative design and feedback loops, we fine-tuned each element, ensuring that it not only met the functional requirements but also elevated the overall user experience.

  • The Future Unveiled: This atomic design system not only serves the present projects but paves the way for a future where design is not just a visual aspect but a strategic asset. I am proud to have played a role in shaping the future of design at ExpandCart.
Join me in exploring the screenshots, and witness the convergence of inspiration, collaboration, and meticulous design in every detail.

— Enjoyed the snapshots? Dive deeper into this design journey! If you're curious to explore the finer details or discuss the project further, feel free to >contact me<.
As a passionate UX/UI designer, I had the incredible opportunity to collaborate with my manager in developing an innovative atomic design system from the ground up during my time at ExpandCart - an E-commerce enabler. Our journey was inspired by a myriad of influences such as "Wix" and "Untitled", weaving together the best practices from various sources into a cohesive, efficient, and visually stunning framework.

  • The Vision: Our mission was clear - to create a design system that not only meets the immediate needs of our projects but also establishes a foundation for future scalability and consistency within a Web and a Mobile views. We envisioned a system that could adapt and evolve, just like the atoms that form the basis of matter.

  • Inspiration from Everywhere: Drawing inspiration from diverse sources and we have focused on the market leaders and some design systems that could really match our direction, we aimed to have a very simple yet very versatile design system.

  • The Atomic Approach: Embracing the principles of atomic design, we broke down our UI components into smaller, reusable elements. This modular approach allowed us to build a library of atoms, molecules, and organisms that could be easily combined to form complex interfaces with consistency and efficiency.

  • Collaborative Creation: Working closely with my manager - back then we were the only two in the team - we formed a collaborative environment that encouraged creative exploration. Through iterative design and feedback loops, we fine-tuned each element, ensuring that it not only met the functional requirements but also elevated the overall user experience.

  • The Future Unveiled: This atomic design system not only serves the present projects but paves the way for a future where design is not just a visual aspect but a strategic asset. I am proud to have played a role in shaping the future of design at ExpandCart.
Join me in exploring the screenshots, and witness the convergence of inspiration, collaboration, and meticulous design in every detail.

— Enjoyed the snapshots? Dive deeper into this design journey! If you're curious to explore the finer details or discuss the project further, feel free to >contact me<.

User Interface

User Interface

User Interface

Building an Atomic Design System

Building an Atomic Design System

Building an Atomic Design System